The list, writes Danny Sjursen, includes the latest atrocity in northern Ethiopia – and the broader Horn of Africa chess game.
Category: International
What Happened to the Global Uprisings of a Decade Ago?
LETTER FROM INDIA: Indian Farmers’ Protest Takes Tragic Turn
VIPS MEMO: To Biden: Don’t Be Suckered on Russia
A Pandemic of ‘Russian Hacking’
Washington Post: Russians Are ‘Hacking Our Minds’
Our Distance from Dirt
Many of us on the African continent clutch our unethically sourced pearls and briefly confront the ugly truths about our consumption, writes Takondwa Semphere. But then we forget.
Global Forest Treaty Needed Now
WATCH: CN Live!—A Pardon For Assange
Charges of Anti-Semitism & the Silencing of Dissent in Europe
When the Jewish “community” speaks with one voice because its other voices have been eliminated, you will not know it, writes Jonathan Cook. There will be no record of what was lost.