Category: Africa

COP27: Corporate Courts Versus Developing World

As rich countries move away from dispute-settlement mechanisms that give corporations power to block environmental protections, Manuel Pérez-Rocha says they keep imposing them on developing countries through trade pacts.

Electric Cars & Resource Wars

The greatest potential for conflict over battery metals may not be in Asia, Africa or the Americas, write Stan Cox and Priti Gulati Cox. It may not be on any continent at all. 

The Pan-African Choice

As Western powers warn of nefarious Chinese and Russian designs, Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram outline how the brutal history of the Western powers in Africa makes the case for non-alignment. 

Shell, BP & Cold War Propaganda

Formerly top-secret files show how the two oil corporations bankrolled British covert propaganda operations during the 1950s and 60s, John McEvoy reports.