The ex-special counsel has agreed to take questions from a congressional committee and James Howard Kunstler can think of a few he’d like to have answered.
Category: Intelligence
THE ANGRY ARAB: The First Elected Egyptian President? The Death of Mohammad Morsi
There were Egyptian elections before Mohammed Morsi, who underestimated the anti-democratic impulses of Arab tyrannies, and assumed Western governments wouldn’t stand for an overthrow of a democratically-elected president.
Power Versus the Press: The Extradition Cases of Pinochet & Assange
JOHN KIRIAKOU: Adam Schiff—The Left Wing of the Hawk
Adam Schiff, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, is as big a hawk as any member of the Trump administration, says John Kirikaou.
New York Times Admits it Sent Story to Government for Approval
JOHN KIRIAKOU: CIA Seeking More Impunity
How Many Are Not Blowing the Whistle?
Given the example being made out of Chelsea Manning, silence must be spreading fast, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
PEPE ESCOBAR: Brazilgate is Turning into Russiagate 2.0
Using Democratic Institutions to Smash Democratic Aspirations (the Brazil Model)
Clarity emerges around the political persecution of Lula, Brazil’s former president. But what is still blurry for many is the actual case against him, writes Vijay Prashad.