The wall of propaganda that towers over us, resting on an insidious culture of irrationality that has come to suffuse the American polity, is weakening.
Former Australian news presenter Mary Kostakidis and Sister Susan Connelly speak about the courage of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange and prosecuted Australian lawyer Bernard Collaery.
It’s been more than a month since the “imminent” invasion was coming so a new threat needed to be cooked up in the bowels of Foggy Bottom and Langley, writes Daniel McAdams.
The invisible evidence presented by the United States that Russia is plotting a provocation to justify an invasion of Ukraine is that the government says so.
From the very beginning, writes Karen J. Greenberg, the courthouse at that U.S. base on the island of Cuba has served as a revealing symbol of the prison’s venality.
The Washington Post blasted Vladimir Putin for shutting down the National Endowment for Democracy in Russia, but left out NED’s U.S. government funding, its quasi-C.I.A. role, and its regime change aim in Moscow, wrote Bob Parry on July 30, 2015.
A U.S. government-funded agency that claims to promote democracy but which helps undermine governments independent of Washington has moved decisively into Britain’s media space since 2016.