Caitlin Johnstone calls reflexive subservience a zombie infection; a mental virus spread by propaganda and toxic ideologies.
Category: Civil Rights
LEE CAMP: Four Giant Reasons to Remove the Statues, From a Robert E. Lee Descendant
We should relocate our racist statues to museums where we can remember our racist history in the appropriate context.
UPRISING: Police Violence & Racism Have Always Enforced Injustice
Goodbye, Columbus
The discomfort caused to elites is of no concern to anyone who wants to strike at the heart of racism. Goodbye and good riddance to Churchill, Columbus, Leopold and all of their ilk, writes Margaret Kimberley.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Failed American Experiment
WATCH: CN LIVE! New Episode— ‘America in Revolt’
UPRISING: Black ‘Misleaders’ Seek to End Protest
Nationwide unrest has forced the black quisling class to reveal themselves as agents of the racial and economic status quo, writes Margaret Kimberley.
UPRISING: Goliath Is Not Invincible
Revolutions are difficult, writes Vijay Prashad. They must chip away at hundreds of years of inequality, erode cultural expectations and build the material foundations for a new society.
JOHN KIRIAKOU: Trump & US ‘Insurrection’
UPRISING: Militarization Has Fostered a Police Culture That Sets Up Protesters as ‘The Enemy’
The militarization of police departments has been a feature of U.S. domestic law enforcement since the 9/11 attacks and despite efforts to promote de-escalation as a policy, police culture appears to be stuck in an “us vs. them” mentality, writes…