Almost 3-in-4 essential frontline workers are women, writes Vijay Prashad. During CoronaShock they are in more danger than ever.
Category: COVID-19
COVID-19: Living Through the Pandemic in World’s Most Livable City
Mona Ali Khalil says Austrian authorities have moved quickly to contain the virus and extend free services to everyone, including refugees and migrant workers.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Our Post-Pandemic Future
COVID-19: Fallout From a Navy Captain’s Heroism: The Possible Emergence of a New Idea of ‘National Security’
The conflict between the Navy high command, a captain and his threatened crew could underscore a new meaning of national security after the pandemic runs its course, says Gareth Porter.
COVID-19: Coronavirus and Civilization
COVID-19: European Unity and the Case of Italy
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Assange Not Sick With Covid-19, But Says Many in Belmarsh Are
In a phone conversation with Vaughan Smith, Julian Assange, apparently uninfected, says the virus is “ripping through” Belmarsh prison and that he spends 30 minutes a day in a crowded prison yard.
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Julian & Lockdown Injustice
District Judge Vanessa Baraitser has insisted throughout the process that the WikiLeaks publisher be caged and monitored, writes Binoy Kampmark.
JOHN PILGER: Freedom From Fear
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: The Deadly Vanessa Baraitser
Even before Covid-19 began sweeping through Belmarsh Prison, Craig Murray thought the British government was seeking Assange’s death in jail. Now he finds the evidence overwhelming.