
In Case You Missed…

Some special stories in March demonstrated our unique brand of investigative journalism, bringing historical context to current events. Stories included White House secrets on the sabotage of Vietnam peace talks, realization that Campaign 2012 may turn on old myths about Iran, the legal battle…

Emptying the Book Warehouse

From Robert Parry: Some readers have urged me to write a new book, expanding on our investigative journalism over the past five years. But before I can start, I need to reduce the stockpile of my last two books Secrecy & Privilege…

Help Us Get to the Halfway Point

From Editor Robert Parry: We’d like to end our spring fund drive, but we’re still less than halfway to our modest goal of $25,000. If you want to see Consortiumnews continue producing its unique brand of investigative journalism, please donate…

Who Pays for Journalism?

From Editor Robert Parry: Many people who read the original journalism from Consortiumnews by Ray McGovern, Mark Ames, Lisa Pease, James diEugenio, me and other of our featured writers see our articles at “aggregator sites,” i.e. Web sites that cull stories…

Robert Parry’s Biggest Regret

From Editor Robert Parry: In the 16-plus years of Consortiumnews, our most difficult fund-raising periods have been in presidential election years like this one. Many supporters tell me they are funneling what money they have into campaigns and, implicitly, that…

Help in Our Book Spring Cleaning

From Editor Robert Parry: We’re trying to reduce our stockpiles of books and reach our goal for the spring fundraiser. You can help in both while also getting important facts out to a broader public.

Robert Parry’s Rather Naïve Notion

From Editor Robert Parry: When I founded the Consortiumnews Web site in 1995, I had the rather naive notion that Americans cared enough about truly independent journalism on important topics that we could raise adequate money for at least a low-budget investigative project…

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in February explained how the U.S. public is getting misled to war on Iran, how key Republicans are waging war on women and the environment, how the Right has distorted the Founders and the U.S.…

Spring Fund Goal: $25,000

From Editor Robert Parry: As the presidential election campaign heats up and the war drums over Iran grow louder, we continue to fill a major hole in American journalism by reporting on difficult realities, both the serious political stakes in…