Once the Russian government decided that integration with Europe and the U.S. was not possible, the West began to portray Putin as diabolical, writes Vijay Prashad.
Analyzing a range of TV news outlets, journalists at The Lever found viewers are often not informed when hawkish “experts” on Ukraine are employed by the weapons industry.
British diplomats advised the C.I.A. on the impact of killing the Cuban leader, just as the U.S. was preparing a massive covert action campaign against him, John McEvoy reports.
Economist Robert Pollin says nationalization isn’t a panacea but it would eliminate the obstacles that Big Oil places in the way of public financing for clean energy investments.
The unaccountable coterie of neocons and liberal interventionists who orchestrated two decades of military fiascos in the Middle East are now stoking a suicidal war with Russia.
There is dominant propaganda that seems to suggest war can be conducted in a clean and orderly way and that civilian deaths are always exceptional, writes Antonio De Lauri.
Vijay Prashad reviews the geopolitical battles of recent decades that leave Germany, Japan and India — among others — rattled in their response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.