While monumental shocks currently pound citizens around the world, an orgiastic festival of exploitation is underway.
It’s time to stop pretending that we can’t create money, says Andrew Spannaus. It already happens, just not in a way that helps the majority of citizens.
Pepe Escobar looks at a frightening future that might follow the already terrifying Covid-19 global outbreak.
Nomi Prins writes about bailouts in the time of the coronavirus.
A note dropped in a grocery bag could be a lifeline for a woman trapped with an abusive partner, reports Barbara Crossette.
Agents outside our control with their own vested interests – politicians, the media, business – construct reality, much as a film-maker designs a movie, says Jonathan Cook.
A hasty show of compassion is not enough, writes Vijay Prashad. The system that keeps them barely alive must be replaced.