Tag: Robert Parry

A Judicial War on Democracy

Exclusive: Comments on the U.S. Supreme Court’s three-day debate over the Affordable Care Act have focused on the damage the five Republican justices are expected to do to President Obama by striking down his prized new law. But the bigger story may be their judicial…

GOP Justices Ignore the Founders

Exclusive: As the Republican Supreme Court majority moves toward gutting health-care reform, the justices are making a mockery of the Constitution and the intent of the Founders who had good reasons to include the powerful Commerce Clause. But it appears GOP partisanship will…

GOP Justices Clown over Health Care

Exclusive: The questions asked by the Republican partisans on the U.S. Supreme Court suggest they will overturn the Affordable Care Act. Instead of a serious debate about health care and the Constitution, they clowned around with silly what-ifs about mandating broccoli-eating and requiring burial insurance,…

Help in Our Book Spring Cleaning

From Editor Robert Parry: We’re trying to reduce our stockpiles of books and reach our goal for the spring fundraiser. You can help in both while also getting important facts out to a broader public.

Are the GOP Justices Political Hacks?

Exclusive: The “Obamacare” debate will test whether the U.S. Supreme Court’s five Republican justices are political hacks. After all, a right-wing think tank devised the individual mandate, which was embraced by GOP front-runner Mitt Romney, but it’s now anathema because it was…

Did the Founders Hate Government?

Exclusive: Orwell’s insight that who controls the present controls the past, and who controls the past controls the future could apply to the American political debate in which the Right has built a false narrative that enlists the Framers of…

Robert Parry’s Rather Naïve Notion

From Editor Robert Parry: When I founded the Consortiumnews Web site in 1995, I had the rather naive notion that Americans cared enough about truly independent journalism on important topics that we could raise adequate money for at least a low-budget investigative project…

The ‘Surge’ Myth’s Deadly Result

Exclusive: President Obama’s choice in 2009 to expand rather than wind down the Afghan War now looks to be one of his worst decisions as the conflict drifts toward a bloody defeat. But a key factor behind his misjudgment, the myth of George…

Republicans, a Threat to the Republic?

From the Archive: As Americans watch HBO’s “Game Change” about Election 2008 and reflect on the madcap Republican presidential race of 2012 they confront again the GOP’s modern tendency to promote patently unfit individuals for high office, as Robert Parry…