Tag: Robert Parry

Last Days of Our Fund Drive

From Journalist Robert Parry: We are wrapping up our second-half fund drive at Consortiumnews.com and we are still about $16,000 short of our goal. There are several ways you can help to keep this 17-year-old Web site afloat.

The Source of Romney’s Lying

Exclusive: An enduring mystery about Mitt Romney is why he lies so persistently and with so little shame. Some people blame his business experience or cite the basic dishonesty of politics, but there is also the curious foundation of his Mormon…

The Price of Political Purity

From the Archive: War with Iran is on the Nov. 6 ballot with President Obama on the verge of a peace deal and Mitt Romney favoring confrontation. The choice is like 1968 when many on the Left distrusted President Johnson’s Vietnam peace promises and…

Iran War on the Ballot

Exclusive: War or peace with Iran will be on the U.S. presidential ballot, with Barack Obama’s reelection likely to clear the way for direct talks on resolving the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program but with a victory by Mitt Romney…

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special articles from September, focusing on the U.S. presidential election, the prospect for war with Iran and various historical twists and turns.

Buy a Book; Help Consortiumnews

From Journalist Robert Parry: If you buy a copy of my new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, through the Consortiumnews.com Web site, a portion of each sale will go to support our investigative journalism.

‘Moderate Mitt’: Neocon Trojan Horse

Exclusive: Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney did all he could in Monday’s debate to calm voters’ fears that he would revert to George W. Bush’s neocon foreign policy. But there was one telling slip-up when Romney signaled that his heart remains…

The October Surprise Mysteries

With hopes brightening that President Obama is close to a negotiated settlement of the Iran nuclear dispute, Mitt Romney’s campaign is eager to counter any positive news. The moment is reminiscent of past October Surprise moments, says Robert Parry in…

Introduction to Parry’s New Book

Robert Parry’s new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, is now available for sale, in print or electronically (from Amazon and barnesandnoble.com). The book’s introduction explains why the theft of key chapters of America’s historical narrative, from the Founding to Barack Obama’s presidency, have…

‘America’s Stolen Narrative’

From Journalist Robert Parry: When my new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, returns from the printers in the next few days, I am setting aside the first 250 copies as part of a critical fundraiser to keep Consortiumnews.com afloat.