Tag: Robert Parry

Still Time to Get Book for Holidays

There’s still time to order Robert Parry’s new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, for a holiday gift. We will rush out any order that arrives by mid-day on Dec. 21. By doing so, you also can support independent investigative journalism.

Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War

Exclusive: Gen. David Petraeus was so cozy with neocon think-tankers that he ensconced two of them in his Afghan War command and granted them top-secret access to U.S. military policy. One later leveraged Petraeus’s friendship to impress military contractors for funding…

The Right’s ‘Limited Government’ Scam

Exclusive: Libertarians and Tea Partiers pretend they are the only Americans who believe in “limited government” as envisioned by the Framers, but that is a false conceit. The real history is that Madison and Washington devised a Constitution with broad powers to promote…

How the GOP Promoted Gun Madness

Exclusive: When looking at the faces of the six-year-olds butchered in their Connecticut classroom, you should also see the faces of the politicians who pandered to the NRA and its obsessive opposition to commonsense gun control, the likes of Ronald…

The 2nd Amendment and Killing Kids

Exclusive: As Americans reel in shock over the slaughter of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown, Connecticut, defenders of “gun rights” insist, in effect, that such deaths are part of the price of “liberty” enshrined by the Framers in the Second Amendment. But this…

America: A Nation of Wildebeest

From the Archive: As the United States wrestles with the latest gun massacre this time aimed at Connecticut kindergarteners the real question is the character of American adults, many of whom punish gun-control advocates at the polls. Is America a nation of…

Why I Wrote My New Book

Robert Parry says: From my 35 years as a Washington journalist, I have concluded that the biggest threat to America’s democratic Republic is the spreading of false or misleading storylines about the nation’s history. Key facts are covered up and founding principles…

Swanson Critiques Parry’s New Book

Robert Parry’s new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, details how Republican treason became normalized through the actions of Richard Nixon, George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and others, but it lets the Democrats off too easily, writes David Swanson at warisacrime.org.

Help Consortiumnews with a Donation!

From Journalist Robert Parry: I know this is a busy time of year, but it would be hugely helpful if you could find the time to make a contribution to our 17-year-old journalism project’s year-end fund drive. We hope to…

The Warning in Gary Webb’s Death

From the Archive: Modern U.S. history is more complete because journalist Gary Webb had the courage to revive the dark story of the Reagan administration’s protection of Nicaraguan Contra cocaine traffickers in the 1980s. But Webb ultimately paid a terrible…