Former British diplomat Craig Murray was in the public gallery at Old Bailey for Julian Assange’s hearing and here is his report on Wednesday’s events. (Contains anonymous Spanish witness testimony.)
Tag: Noam Chomsky
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: Craig Murray: Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing—Day 12
Former British diplomat Craig Murray was in the public gallery at Old Bailey for Julian Assange’s hearing and here is his report on Wednesday’s events.
WATCH: Chomsky, Ellsberg, Walker on the Julian Assange Case
ASSANGE EXTRADITION: ‘Free Speech’ in the US Empire is as Illusory as ‘Free-Range’ Eggs
The imprisonment of Julian Assange is the part of the movie where the villain finally reveals their true face for the monster they’ve always been, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Letter Demands Sweden Probe Misdeeds in Assange Case
A Scandinavian group has launched an appeal to the Swedish government to investigate misdeeds in the investigation of sexual allegations against Julian Assange.
Climb Down From the Summit of Hostile Propaganda
Polls Show Being Anti-Trump Isn’t Enough to Beat GOP
Instead of addressing demands for social progress, such as single-payer insurance, Democratic leaders find it much easier and more comfortable to denounce Trump. But it’s not working, as Norman Solomon explains.
Congress Weighs Indefinite Detention of Americans
The Blacklisting of Noam Chomsky
An odd aspect of modern American life is that even with 24-hour news and its roster of blathering pundits, many creative thinkers with valuable insights are blacklisted from mainstream media, perhaps most notably Noam Chomsky who turned 85 on Dec. 7,…
The Permanent ‘War on Terror’
Over the past dozen years, the “war on terror” has taken a profound toll on U.S. constitutional protections and democratic principles, a process that continues despite President Obama’s promise last May that “this war like all wars must end,” as…