Vijay Prashad reflects on the geo-political backdrop to last month’s “African Lion 21,” a U.S.-led military exercise on the African continent that involved the armed forces of 21 countries.
Craig Murray: The Decline of Western Power
The NATO Iron Curtain
NATO wants to close Hungary behind an iron curtain, says this Declaration of the Hungarian Community for Peace (Magyar Békekör).
Crowding the Pacific & Pressuring China
Washington’s Rebranding of Syrian Al-Qaeda’s Founder
‘The Russia Question’
NATO Expanding its Theater With China in its Sights
As Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty Nears Force, US Urges Nations to Withdraw
BOUNTYGATE: Scapegoating Systemic Military Failure in Afghanistan
A Circle in the Darkness: Post-War Europe
Diana Johnstone’s newly-published memoir offers an incisive, gritty, politically alert, and expansive account of post-war Europe, reports Patrick Lawrence in this interview with the author.