Silences filled with a consensus of propaganda contaminate almost everything we read, see and hear, warned the late John Pilger last May. War by media is now a key task of so-called mainstream journalism.
Tag: Lindsey Graham
Harrowing Drone-Strike Testimony at US Senate
Has Trump Been Outmaneuvered on Syria Troop Withdrawal?
Sex, Lies and Privilege: The Kavanaugh Case
The use of identity politics by establishment Democrats to obscure a violent and hegemonic foreign policy has led many clear-minded people to conflate the very real problem of sexual assault, with a liberal Democratic agenda, says Joe Lauria.
Fueling More Bloodshed in Ukraine
Exclusive: In the U.S., Russia-hating liberals are joining the neocons in seeking more war in Ukraine, as the prospects for a rational and peaceful resolution to the crisis continue to fade, explains James W. Carden.
Hurtling Toward ‘Fire and Fury’
Exclusive: Under congressional and media pressure to confront U.S. “adversaries,” President Trump alarmed the world with rash rhetoric about inflicting “fire and fury” on North Korea, a frightening prospect, says Jonathan Marshall.
Challenging Klobuchar on Ukraine War
As Democrats compete to become the new War Party – pushing for a dangerous confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia – some constituents are objecting, as Mike Madden did in a letter to Sen. Amy Klobuchar.
Seeing Syrian Crisis Through Russian Eyes
America’s Mindless Clamor
America has become a land of institutionalized noise whether the clamor of a crowded restaurant or the more dangerous shout fests of TV “news” both intruding on the ability to think and communicate coherently, writes Lawrence Davidson.