Democrats have pressured social media to take down posts that question the 2020 election, but no such pressure was exerted on Democrats who questioned the 2016 election, writes Joe Lauria.
Tag: Google
The ‘Morality’ of AI Weaponry
Biden Quietly Adds Goldman Sachs, Big Tech Officials to Transition
FBI Launches Open Attack on ‘Foreign’ Alternative Media Outlets Challenging US Foreign Policy
Under FBI orders, Facebook and Google removed or restricted ads for an alternative site that publishes U.S. and European writers critical of U.S. foreign policy, Gareth Porter reports.
For Tech Giants, a Cautionary Tale From 19th Century Railroads on the Limits of Competition
The tech monopoly giants have a lot to learn from the railroad monopolies of the 19th Century during the First Gilded Age, writes Richard White.
The Mindless Harm of Economic Sanctions
The Dawn of an Orwellian Future
NYT Advocates Internet Censorship
What to Do About ‘Fake News’
Google’s Dark Alliance with ALEC
Google and other tech giants have reportedly teamed up with the pro-corporate ALEC to draft model legislation on technology issues. This puts Google in bed with an outfit infamous for crafting “stand-your-ground,” voter ID and other right-wing bills that are…