Exclusive: Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger disputes the mainstream U.S. media’s view of the Ukraine crisis, noting that Russia’s response was reactive to the West’s actions, not the other way around. But the MSM keeps up the drumbeat about…
Plumbing the Depths of NSA’s Spying
Behind the USS Liberty Cover-up
The Neocon Plan for War and More War
Obama Slammed for Iran Outreach
American neocons are furious that President Obama reportedly sent a letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei apparently urging concessions on nuclear talks and referencing joint interests in combating Islamic State radicals, but the letter may reflect smart diplomacy, says…
Obama Boosts ‘Net Neutrality’
Standing in an Adversary’s Shoes
Americans are notoriously disinterested in history, preferring to focus on the present and often reacting to the latest crisis. But the past can teach important lessons including the need to understand an adversary’s perspective and to avoid unnecessary conflicts, as ex-U.S. diplomat…
The Mystery of Ray McGovern’s Arrest
Is Arlington County, VA, Racist?
Christians Who Ignore the Real Jesus
Many American Christians see themselves as devout followers of the theological Jesus but don’t want to know much about the historical Jesus, the nonviolent radical who called on his followers to resist social injustice, writes Rev. Howard Bess.
Will Obama’s Foreign Policy Finally Emerge?
The Dying Israeli-Palestinian ‘Peace Process’
Obama’s Last Chance
Israel’s Annexation Plan for Palestine
The Silence of the Israelis on ISIS
Journalism and Reality
From Editor Robert Parry: One thing that I’ve learned from my four-plus decades in journalism is that many people only like reporting that reinforces what they already believe. Facts that go off in a different direction can make them angry…
We Came Up $4,500 Short
Editor Robert Parry: I want to thank the readers who contributed to our fall fund drive. I realize that election season is a time when many people are asking for your support. So I especially appreciate the effort. But we…