Any thought of Biden and his people riding into town on white horses to save the nuclear deal is strictly naïve.
American Empire, Column, Commentary, Election 2020, Foreign Policy, Intelligence, International News Analysis, Iran, Israel, Media, Middle East, Mike Pompeo, Militarism, Saudi Arabia, U.S., Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
WATCH: ‘A Secret Australia: Revealed By WikiLeaks Exposés’
Bolivia, Campaign 2020, Column, Commentary, Election 2020, Humor, Opinion, Politics, Propaganda, U.S.
LEE CAMP: We Can’t Vote ‘Em Out
COVID-19: Vaccine Apartheid
COVID-19: The Disastrous US Response—Dr. Margaret Flowers Speaks to Chris Hedges
WATCH: CN LIVE!—New Episode, ‘War Crimes’
Assassination Strengthens Iranian Hardliners; Weakens Chances of Renewed Nuclear Deal
John Pilger: Britain’s Class War on Children
25 YEARS OF CN: The Establishment’s Thanksgiving—Nov. 29, 2008
The late Robert Parry, founder of this site, wrote 12 years ago that neoconservatives in Washington had a lot to be thankful for with the newly-elected Barack Obama.
American Empire, Commentary, Election 2020, Foreign Policy, Media, Militarism, Obama Administration, Syria, Trump Administration, Turkey, U.S.
Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War
ELECTION 2020: What President Biden Won’t Touch
Commentary, Economy, Election 2020, Politics, U.S., Until This Day--Historical Perspectives on the News
ELECTION 2020: The Other America
DIANA JOHNSTONE: The Great Pretext … for Dystopia
Chris Hedges: The Ruling Elite’s War on Truth
American political leaders display a widening disconnect from reality intended to mask their complicity in the seizure of power by global corporations and billionaires.
CNN Follows CN by 8 Days on Russiagate Payback Story
JOHN KIRIAKOU: Biden & Hope for Whistleblowers
LEE CAMP: Keep Calm & Just Die
Assange extradition, Australia, Britain, CN Live!, Intelligence, International, Legal, Media, Sweden, Trump Administration, WikiLeaks
WATCH: Free Press = Free Assange
ELECTION 2020: Biden Will Fail to Bring Back ‘Normal’ Politics
COVID-19: Tyson Managers Accused of Betting on How Many Workers Would Get Virus
A lawsuit alleges that a boss at one facility “organized a cash-buy-in, winner-take-all, betting pool for supervisors and managers to wager how many plant employees would test positive.”