Join Fidel Narváez, former consul at the Ecuador embassy in London, and John Kiriakou, former C.I.A. officer and CN columnist, discussing Julian Assange’s case. Produced by the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, WI. Watch the replay.
Vijay Prashad explains why a group of international media organizations reject and denounce the U.S. government’s attack on Julian Assange and journalism.
Careerists and Democratic Party apparatchiks successfully leverage corporate money and backing to seize and deform historic rights organizations into appendages of the ruling class.
The imprisoned publisher must first ask the High Court that his appeal to the Supreme Court be approved as a point of law of general public importance.
Over 300 doctors from around the world have today written to the Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, imploring him to seek Julian Assange’s immediate release from prison in the U.K. on medical grounds.
U.S. government policies have treated civilians as expendable, writes Norman Solomon. Meanwhile truth tellers such as Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Nathan Hale get punished for what they expose.