Charges that the Green New Deal will crash the budget and serve as an antechamber to socialism are just as bogus as similar arguments against its Depression-era predecessor, writes Steve Fraser.
Category: Until This Day–Historical Perspectives on the News
THE ANGRY ARAB: The Origins of Lebanon’s Protests
Hezbollah’s Sticky Situation Amid Lebanese Protests
Lebanon Uprising Unites People Across Faiths, Defying Deep Sectarian Divides
In repudiation of the idea that religious allegiance comes before national unity, protesters are demanding fair elections, a stronger judiciary and more government accountability, writes Mira Assaf Kafantaris.
‘The Test of a Country Is Not the Number of its Millionaires’
With an eye on the protesters in Baghdad and Santiago and the voters in Argentina and Bolivia, Vijay Prashad contemplates Gandhi’s simple standard for civilization.
Christian Tourism to Israel: Buyer Beware
Grenfell Report Phase 1 Seeks to Blame the Firefighters
The Militarization of Everything
By Protecting Syria’s Idlib, US Created Safe Haven for Baghdadi & ISIS
By claiming to kill self-proclaimed ISIS “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, U.S. officials have blown apart the regime-change propaganda about Idlib, writes Dan Cohen.
RAY McGOVERN: Thanks to a Soviet Navy Captain — We Survived 1962
Captain Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov spared humanity from extinction on what has been called “the most dangerous moment in human history.”