Post-election commentary speaks of Corbyn’s party achieving “its worst result since 1935.” Alexander Mercouris shows why that is a serious misrepresentation.
Category: Until This Day–Historical Perspectives on the News
If You Want Peace You Get War; If You Want War You Get Rich
The Story of the UK General Election is not Brexit, it’s the Coming Breakup of Britain
John Wight analyzes the now-shaken British national identity.
Health Insurance Industry’s Attack on ‘Medicare for All’ Relies on Old Playbook
When corporations sense a threat, they often frame the free market as the optimal venue for Americans to enjoy individual autonomy, writes Burton St. John III.
JOHN KIRIAKOU: Those Torture Drawings in the NYT
Replace ‘Conspiracy Theory’ with ‘Remember Iraq’
What We Can Learn from the Romans about Ignoring Climate Change
Even if history does not come packaged in moral lessons, it can deepen our sense of what it means to be human and how fragile our societies are, writes Kyle Harper.
Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia Coup, Trump Dubs Nicaragua ‘National Security Threat’ & Targets Mexico
Left-wing forces in Latin America are warning of a revival of a Cold War era campaign by the U.S. of violent subterfuge and support for right-wing dictatorships across the region, Ben Norton reports.
THE ANGRY ARAB: U.S. Role in Lebanon’s Crisis Goes Unrecognized
The bulk of Lebanon’s corrupt ruling class are clients of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, not Iran. But this fact is too inconvenient for Western media to point out, writes As’ad AbuKhalil.