You will never see Obama or his administration officials brought down by “Obamagate” for the same reason Trump wasn’t brought down by the Mueller investigation: the swamp protects its own, says Caity Johnstone.
Category: Trump Administration
As Another Perjury Trap is Exposed the FBI’s Case Against Trump Collapses
Scott Ritter analyzes the recently released responses of Shawn Henry, a private security consultant, to Adam Schiff’s questions about data exfiltrated from the DNC.
COVID-19: Democrats’ Virus Relief Bill Under Fire
A grassroots U.S. advocacy group says the HEROES Act “doesn’t do nearly enough to help those in need and does far too much to help those who are not,” Jake Johnson reports.
COVID-19: Essential US Workers Often Lack Sick Leave & Health Care
Once the pandemic ends, much of the American workforce will still be without basic benefits and protections taken for granted in virtually every other developed country, writes Paul F. Clark.
COVID-19: Trump Labor Department Urges Employers to Report Workers Who Stay Home Due to Virus Fears
Guaidó’s Contract on Venezuela’s President Mirrors Trump Administration Bounty
The self-declared interim president’s leaked contract with mercenary firm Silvercorp USA targets in common with a DEA hit list, Alan MacLeod reports.
THE ANGRY ARAB: Iran’s Strategic Standstill
COVID-19: US Pulls Plug on Global Ceasefire Resolution
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The ‘See-No-Evil’ Phase of Russiagate
The media spinfest following the collapse of this conspiracy theory suggests our troubled republic simply cannot accept its errors, leaving us unable to learn from them.