When corporations sense a threat, they often frame the free market as the optimal venue for Americans to enjoy individual autonomy, writes Burton St. John III.
Category: Propaganda
‘The Cost of Sanity, in this Society, Is a Certain Level of Alienation’
We close ourselves off from a full sense of participation when we depart from the consensus worldview, writes Caitlin Johnstone. But in closing that door we open so many more.
The Most Significant Afghanistan Papers Revelation Is How Difficult They Were to Make Public
Caitlin Johnstone is disturbed by how much time and money was required to make the U.S. government comply with its own transparency laws.
Replace ‘Conspiracy Theory’ with ‘Remember Iraq’
US & UK Military-Intelligence Apparatus Deploy Media Smears Against Corbyn
In the lead-up to Britain’s historic election on Thursday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been hit with evidence-free Russiagate-style allegations, Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal report.
US Government Drops Case Against Max Blumenthal
The arrest is part of a wider pattern of political persecution of those who resisted the seizure of the Venezuelan embassy by a U.S.-backed coup administration, reports Ben Norton.
CIA Helped Shape Tom Clancy’s ‘Jack Ryan’ Series into Bigoted Venezuela Regime-Change Fantasy
Researcher Tom Secker exposed the Amazon TV show as straightforward U.S. imperial propaganda, reports Max Blumenthal.
Capitalism’s Suicidal Trajectory
Yes, Ukraine Meddled in the 2016 US Election
Not only did it happen, it was written up as fact by establishment papers and outlets as varied as Yahoo, Politico and The Financial Times, reports Yasha Levine.
Narrative Managers Faceplant in OPCW Scandal Spin Job
With the temerity only an NED paycheck can get you, Bellingcat simply ignores the central aspect of the leaked email, says Caitlin Johnstone.