In their frenzy to bring down this president, Andrew J. Bacevich sees centrist elites rushing to bury any recollection of the catastrophes that paved the way to his election.
Category: Politics
The New Yorker’s Partisan Attempt to Refute Its Claim of Partisan Disinformation on Biden and Ukraine
A leading New Yorker writer omits crucial facts to run interference for Joe Biden against serious allegations of corruption in Ukraine, writes Joe Lauria.
MoveOn’s Phony New Campaign for ‘Protecting Whistleblowers’
Heroes, Villains & Establishment Hypocrisy
Craig Murray skewers the false binary promulgated by the BBC and other media, under which the badness of Trump and Johnson proves the goodness of Hunter Biden and Brendan Cox.
The Untold Story of the Trump-Ukraine ‘Scandal’: The Routine Corruption of US Foreign Policy
Biden’s Brain Is Swiss Cheese and It’s Creepy We’re Not Talking About It
Supporters of the Democratic frontrunner would be happy to have his unelected, unaccountable handlers run the country, says Caitlin Johnstone.
Biden Taking Iraq Lies to the Max
Sam Husseini goes over the presidential contender’s tracks, finding that he supported the war while trying to evade responsibility for it.
Israel’s Ban on Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar Backfires
CN Live! is Going Prime Time!
The Missing Howls of Denunciation Over Major Sex Trafficking
Michael Brenner considers the dearth of #MeToo outrage at the foul activities of the 25-year-long Epstein-Maxwell operation.