Episode 15 of CN Live! is devoted to imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. Join our guests Patrick Henningsen, Nozomi Hayase and Lissa Johnson, plus a special message to CN Live! from John Pilger.
Category: Politics
Judge Denies Assange Extension on Extradition Hearing
WATCH: Episode 14 CN Live!–Impeachment and Syria
Civil Rights on High Court Chopping Block in New Term
The cases concern everything from firing people who are LGBTQ, to abortion restrictions that disproportionately affect low-income women, to deportations, to the scope of the Second Amendment, writes Marjorie Cohn.
Presidential ‘Debates’ Aren’t Debates at All – They’re Joint Press Conferences
This kind of format promotes canned mini-speeches, writes John P. Koch.
Protecting the ‘Whistleblower’ & Other Preposterous Pranks
James Howard Kunstler marvels at Adam Schiff’s tactical idiocy and savors the bit of media agitprop about James Comey in Saturday’s New York Times.
DC’s Atlantic Council Raked in Funding from Hunter Biden’s Corruption-Stained Ukrainian Employer While Courting His VP Father
Max Blumenthal reports on the think tank’s shady arrangement with Burisma, the gas company at the center of “Ukrainegate.”