This is the 9th story in our series looking back on a quarter century of journalism by Consortium News.
Category: Police Brutality
UPRISING: US Propaganda Outlets Omit Black Lives Matter Protests
It’s hard for Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty to sell the USA as a shining example of civil liberties and democracy when the internet is drowning in pics of police violence, writes Yasha Levine.
Humanity is Escaping From the Abusive Relationship With the Police State
Because protestors are calling for the dismantling of the police state, an essential part of the U.S. empire, nice guy abusers are falling all over themselves to manipulate them back into their cage, writes Caity Johnstone.
Hong Kong’s ‘Pro-Democracy’ Movement Allies with US Politicians Who Seek to Crush Black Lives Matter
Ajit Singh reports on Hong Kong organizers’ ties to far-right politicians in Washington.
UPRISING: The Democratic Party Exists To Co-Opt & Kill Authentic Change
The actors remain motionless, and Godot never comes, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Failed American Experiment
UPRISING: Hundreds of Thousands March in US for Racial Justice and Police Reform, While Tense Days Lie Ahead; Protests Lead to Minneapolis Vow to Abolish its Police Force
UPDATE: If they are sustained, the protests can lead toward more repression, or genuine reform, such as Minneapolis pledging to dismantle its police force on Sunday, writes Joe Lauria.
UPRISING: Police and Their Apologists Have Already Lost the Argument
These are public servants. Imagine if teachers, mail carriers or DMV employees were routinely assaulting anyone who spoke impolitely to them, writes Caity Johnstone.
WATCH: CN LIVE! New Episode— ‘America in Revolt’
UPRISING: Black ‘Misleaders’ Seek to End Protest
Nationwide unrest has forced the black quisling class to reveal themselves as agents of the racial and economic status quo, writes Margaret Kimberley.