Over many decades, the U.S. establishment has become practiced at putting out claims that are completely false or that leave out key details to mislead the public, but now come complaints about “fake news,” observes William Blum.
Category: Obama Administration
Steering Trump Back to Endless War
Exclusive: President Trump’s chaotic first two weeks have seen senior aides reverse his most promising plans for restoring realism to U.S. foreign policy, especially regarding Russia and the Mideast, reports Daniel Lazare.
Trump Schooled on Separation of Powers
President Trump is getting a crash course on the U.S. Constitution’s separation of powers as federal courts knock down his temporary immigration ban aimed at seven mostly Muslim countries, reports Marjorie Cohn at The Jurist.
The Double Standard on Yemen’s Suffering
Trump Bends to Neocon Pressures
A Reprise of the Iraq-WMD Fiasco?
Exclusive: Official Washington’s new “group think” – accepting evidence-free charges that Russia “hacked the U.S. election” – has troubling parallels to the Iraq-WMD certainty, often from the same people, writes James W Carden.
Trump’s Iran-Bashing Distraction
Ukraine Sabotages Trump’s Russia Detente
Dangers of Democratic Putin-Bashing
Recalling ‘People’s Lawyer’ Leonard Weinglass
In many of the major social/political battles of the Twentieth Century, lawyer Leonard Weinglass defended activists facing government criminal charges, as a new book about his life recalls, writes Marjorie Cohn.