Category: Obama Administration

The Right’s Misconstrued Constitution

Exclusive: The U.S. Supreme Court will rule on the right of a corporation owned by abortion opponents to assert its freedom of religion on health insurance, trumping a woman’s choice of birth control, another chance for the Right to expand corporate rights, says…

Double Standards for US War Crimes

U.S. pundits cheer when some African warlord or East European brute is dragged before an international tribunal, but not at the thought of justice being meted out to George W. Bush or other architects of post-9/11 torture and aggressive war…

Neocon Name-Calling on Iran Deal

Exclusive: The neocons won’t give up on their agenda for more “regime change” in the Middle East, as they lash out at President Obama for daring to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program rather than use it as an excuse…

A Saudi-Israeli Defeat on Iran Deal

Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance hoped to sink a deal between Iran and world powers that limits but doesn’t end Iran’s nuclear program, so the deal’s signing in Geneva is both a defeat for that new alliance and a victory for President…

The Ideology of Ecocide

The U.S. Constitution mandates the federal government to provide for the country’s “general Welfare,” but the Right’s self-proclaimed “constitutionalists” object to any efforts to curb the catastrophic threat of global warming, as Lawrence Davidson notes.

Fear in a Handful of Dust

The Grand Irony may be that Earth is the only spot in the Universe where intelligent life evolved, and it then made the Earth unlivable, the ultimate crisis in an age of an ossified order that poet Phil Rockstroh addresses.

How JFK’s Murder Changed a Life

The half-century anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s murder has prompted retrospectives on his presidency but also remembrances of what the shocking act meant to people who lived through it. Journalist Richard L. Fricker reflects on how that day changed his…

Cop’s History an Issue in Toy-Gun Slaying

By all accounts, Andy Lopez was a good-hearted boy with a bright future until the 13-year-old was confronted by a police deputy who told him to drop a toy gun and then felled him with a deadly fusillade, a case that has…

JFK & the Anti-Conspiracy Conspiracy

The official investigation of JFK’s murder left many loose ends in a rush to dispel suspicions of a conspiracy, but the major U.S. news media has been even more negligent over the past half century in denouncing anyone who dares…

November Days of Drums

For most Americans who lived through John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the memories are indelible where you were, what you felt, how you processed the news a cascade of recollections continuing even a half century later, Michael Winship notes.