The Russia-gate hysteria has witnessed a widespread collapse of journalistic standards as major U.S. news outlets ignore rules about how to treat evidence in dispute, wrote Robert Parry on Nov. 20, 2017.
Category: Russia
Trump Is Going to Thank MSNBC Until November 2020
Peddlers of Russia-gate have boosted the U.S. president’s re-election campaign, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
A Prediction 3 Days Before the 2016 Election on How the Democrats Would Use Russia-gate to Try to Depose Trump
Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria predicted on Nov. 5, 2016 that should Clinton lose, the Democrats would blame Russia to try to remove Trump from office, even without evidence. It was the birth of Russia-gate.
Consortium News’ Record on Russia-gate—A Series of Articles on How CN Covered the ‘Scandal’: No. 1—‘The Sleazy Origins of Russia-gate’
From the “scandal’s” outset, Consortium News adopted journalistic skepticism, led by founding editor, the late Robert Parry, with Ray McGovern, Daniel Lazare, Patrick Lawrence, Gareth Porter, Joe Lauria & VIPS debunking much of the mania that seized the land.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: Why the Dust Won’t Settle After Mueller’s Report
VIPS: Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings
Is War With Iran on the Horizon?
Despite growing Trump administration tensions with Venezuela and even with North Korea, Iran is the likeliest spot for Washington’s next shooting war, says Bob Dreyfuss for TomDispatch.
Royal Wedding Got Triple the Media Coverage of Yemen in 2018
That ratio is symptomatic of negative trends at the major networks, writes Jim Lobe.