Category: International

The Timing of the Pipeline Attack

The U.S. had already forced Germany to shut down Nord Stream 2 but there are signs that an end to the Ukraine war would have put it back online, writes Joe Lauria.

Unionism in US Keeps Spreading

Home Depot is the latest workplace being organized. While profits at the home-repair chain have broken records during the pandemic, workers at a store in Philadelphia struggle to afford necessities, Jonah Furman reports.

The Insanity That Grips Washington

You know you’re living in a profoundly sick society when the world’s most influential newspaper runs propaganda for World War III while voices pushing for truth, transparency and peace are marginalized, silenced, shunned, and imprisoned, writes Caitlin Johnston.

THE ANGRY ARAB: Installing a War Criminal

When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, the imposition as president of  Bashir Gemayyel  — who introduced the worst savagery seen during the country’s civil war — was one of the chief goals, writes As`ad AbuKhalil.

LISTEN: War & Disinformation

CN Editor-in-Chief Joe Lauria was interviewed by Lee Stranahan on his radio program Back Story, about the current state of war and disinformation in Ukraine. Listen to it here.

Exposed: Covert Pro-Western Info Op

Declassified Australia’s Peter Cronau flags and analyzes a report by researchers at Stanford University and Graphika about a massive secret propaganda operation being run out of the U.S.  The report, from late August, has been buried by the Western media.