Scott Ritter analyzes the recently released responses of Shawn Henry, a private security consultant, to Adam Schiff’s questions about data exfiltrated from the DNC.
Category: Intelligence
Guaidó’s Contract on Venezuela’s President Mirrors Trump Administration Bounty
The self-declared interim president’s leaked contract with mercenary firm Silvercorp USA targets in common with a DEA hit list, Alan MacLeod reports.
COVID-19: US Pulls Plug on Global Ceasefire Resolution
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The ‘See-No-Evil’ Phase of Russiagate
The media spinfest following the collapse of this conspiracy theory suggests our troubled republic simply cannot accept its errors, leaving us unable to learn from them.
RAY McGOVERN: New House Documents Sow Further Doubt That Russia Hacked the DNC
25 YEARS OF CN: ‘The Democratic Money Behind Russia-gate’—Oct.29, 2017
This is the fourth story in the Best of Consortium News series as we look back at our first 25 years throughout our jubilee year.
What Did US State Dept Know About Botched Venezuela Invasion?
RAY McGOVERN: Once We Were Allies; Then Came MICIMATT
Anatomy of Media Lies About the Death of Kim Jong-un
Ben Norton says we just saw another example of how Washington-backed South Korean outlets conduct information warfare against the government in the north.
25 YEARS OF CN: ‘Journalists Are All Julian Assange’—Robert Parry, December 16, 2010
This is the second story in the Best of Consortium News series as we look back at our first 25 years throughout our jubilee year.