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Category: Consortiumnews.com
Peter Lavelle: Why I Read Consortium News
Peter Lavelle, the host of RT’s Cross Talk, explains what Consortium News means to him.
Gareth Porter: Why I Write for Consortium News
New Writers Welcomed to Consortium News
Ray McGovern on Daniel Ellsberg and Consortium News
The Fifth Online Vigil for Julian Assange
As the crisis over Julian Assange continues to mount, the fifth online vigil for Assange was broadcast live on Saturday by Consortium News. You can watch the entire event here.
Julian Assange in Crisis for Fifth Unity4J Online Vigil; Consortium News to Broadcast it Live on Saturday
As the crisis over Julian Assange continues to mount, the fifth online vigil for Assange will be held on Saturday, to be broadcast live by Consortium News.
The New York Times as Judge and Jury
Hold the Front Page: The Reporters are Missing
So much of mainstream journalism has descended to the level of a cult-like formula of bias, hearsay and omission. Subjectivism is all; slogans and outrage are proof enough. What matters is “perception,” says John Pilger.