The eagle has conveniently forgotten that the original, Ancient Silk Road linked the dragon with the Roman empire for centuries – with no interlopers outside of Eurasia, muses Pepe Escobar.
Category: Column
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The US Moves on Iran’s Oil Market as an Expression of an Irrational Foreign Policy
Patrick Lawrence gauges the backfiring potential of Pompeo’s withdrawal on Thursday of U.S. sanction waivers from eight major importers.
THE ANGRY ARAB: Deal of the Century? Which Century?
As’ad AbuKhalil explains why Palestinians will see through the latest U.S. illusion of a Middle East “peace process.”
PEPE ESCOBAR: War on Iran & Calling America’s Bluff
Vast swathes of the West seem not to realize that if the Strait of Hormuz is shut down a global depression will follow, writes Pepe Escobar.