Think of every sensible thing you think you know about prison. Think of education, training, rehabilitation. It is all completely ignored by the Scottish Prison Service.
The British government has long tried to quell pro-Palestine activism, writes Yara Hawari. Recent maneuvers, however, mark a new era in state repression.
The global ruling class is cementing into place a world where they govern without accountability, we are reduced to serfdom, the climate crisis accelerates and mass death is normalized.
From its attacks on Global South countries to its willingness to go to war with a great power such as Russia, the U.S. is increasingly employing military force to compensate for its economic decline, writes Vijay Prashad.
Britain assisted Australia in setting up a team modeled on the U.K.’s notorious Information Research Department to run influence operations in the Asia-Pacific in the 1970s, John McEvoy and Peter Cronau report.
Michael Brenner sizes up the scale of the West’s blunder in trying to use a crisis in Ukraine as the lever to bring down Putin and Russia along with him.