
Your Privileges Are Not Universal

Formal democracies retain their constitutions and their laws, their elections and their public hearings – all part of the panoply of modern democracies. They fail, however, to actually listen to the suffering of the people, writes Vijay Prashad.

WATCH: Lies, Spin and Propaganda

John Kiriakou, Lauri Love and Suelette Dreyfus discuss the WikiLeaks release of the Global Intelligence Files (Stratfor leaks) on the 9th anniversary of their publication. Produced by Don’t Extradite Assange.

YouTube Rejects Consortium News Appeal

The social media company says it carefully reviewed the content of the banned CN Live! episode; says it won’t be restored and that a strike will remain against CN—an impossible decision if the entire video was indeed carefully reviewed.

Keeping Trees in the Ground

Forest protection was notably missing from the legislation Congress passed in December to jump-start technological carbon capture and storage.

Managing Water in Cuba

Rain is increasingly scarce on the island and the plan aims to ensure the availability and efficient use of water to cope with droughts, Luis Brizuela reports.