The U.S. humiliation in Afghanistan shows that the empire can’t impose its will, no matter how much violence it inflicts, writes As`ad AbuKhalil.
David P. Fidler tells Samira Sadeque that it’s astonishing how communication problems continue to flummox national and international health officials during outbreaks.
Judge Vanessa Baraitser had a hand-written judgement ready even before she heard the defence argument that Assange be allowed to leave his glass cage, as Craig Murray observed.
UPDATED: A video has appeared showing activists flying a banner reading “#Free Assange” past the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor.
We are in do or die times, says Caity Johnstone. The only question left is, “Should journalists be jailed for exposing U.S. war crimes? Yes or no?”
With the U.S. and OAS looking the other way, protesters have been subjected to brutally violent repression, Ben Norton reports.
Alka Kurian reports on a striking act of resistance in a patriarchal country where women – but particularly Muslim women – have historically had their rights denied.