If there’s any surprise that Senate Democrats, almost virtually indistinguishable from pro-war Republicans, are about to coalesce in support of the newest version of the AUMF, then you have seriously not been paying attention, says Renee Parsons.
Month: April 2018
Accusing Russia and Listening to History
Talk Nation Radio: Ray McGovern: Russia and U.S. Senators Want Disarmament, U.S. Media Does Not
In this radio interview with host David Swanson, Ray McGovern criticizes the mainstream media for ignoring or downplaying Russian President Vladimir Putin’s offer of disarmament talks with the United States (after revealing a terrifying new weapon).
Why the DNC Is Fighting WikiLeaks and Not Wall Street
How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? Part 3: Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen
On ‘Openness’ and Deceit
Retrospective: On this day three years ago Robert Parry, late founder and editor of this site, examined transparency in government and found that the Obama administration was among the most secretive and manipulative in modern times, tailoring what the public heard about…
Scarier than Bolton? Think Nikki for President
Tribute to Robert Parry in Berkeley on May 19
Israelis Continue to Open Fire on Gaza Protestors: An Eyewitness Account
On Earth Day: Environmental Activism is Spreading
Across America environmental activism is growing, and government and the fossil fuel industry are taking notice, say Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers.