Despite America’s over-the-top, month-long celebration of baby Jesus topped off with a government holiday ignoring the Constitution’s separation of church and state Fox News and the Right have conjured up a “war on Christmas,” now as much a tradition as eggnog, Nat Parry…
Year: 2013
Saudi-Israeli Alliance Boosts Al-Qaeda
Neocons Ignore Real Lessons of Munich
US Shutting Down a Key News Source
Two Books with Robbie Conal Cover Art
From Editor Robert Parry: My friendship with Robbie Conal, the brilliant Los Angeles-based poster artist, goes back to his first poster, depicting a skeleton in a suit on a camouflage backdrop over the words “Contra Cocaine,” which Robbie said was…
How Terror War Hurts Cuba Policy
Contra-Cocaine Was a Real Conspiracy
Exclusive: The 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination saw a mainstream media blackout of nearly all evidence of conspiracy in that case. But New York Magazine went even further, mocking the proven Contra-cocaine scandal as a “conspiracy theory,” Robert Parry writes.
The Neocons Go Nuclear
Anti-Bullying as a Civil Right
Even as more Americans accept gay marriage and reject discrimination against people over sexual orientation, bullying remains a serious problem in the nation’s schools where teachers do not do enough to protect LGBT students, write Laura Finley and Joseph Schroer.
‘Black Friday’ at Consortiumnews
From Editor Robert Parry: “Black Friday” the day after Thanksgiving is the traditional start of the Christmas buying season with billions of dollars spent on merchandise. We would modestly encourage readers of Consortiumnews to consider purchases of our books as…