Among the guests were Daniel Ellsberg, Daniel McAdams, George Smazuely, Margaret Kimberely, Peter B. Collins and Michel Collon. Hosted by Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria.
Tag: WikiLeaks
JOHN PILGER: Assange Arrest a Warning from History
7 Years of Lies About Assange Won’t Stop Now
One of the few towering figures of our time was reduced to nothing more than a sex pest and scruffy bail-skipper, writes Jonathan Cook.
Emergency Meeting for Assange
Kim Dotcom led an emergency meeting on the day Julian Assange was arrested.
Moreno Withdraws Asylum as Assange is Arrested
The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been arrested after the Ecuadorian president, Lenin Moreno, withdrew Assange’s asylum, in a move that runs counter to international asylum law.
Spanish Police Probe Extortion Scheme Involving Surveillance on Assange
UPDATED: Suspects are being investigated in Spain for having tried to extort €3 million from WikiLeaks in exchange for a huge cache of documents and surveillance videos of Assange inside Ecuador’s London embassy, including with his doctors and lawyers.
On the Pavement with Wikileaks
When Julian Assange does leave the embassy, it will be important to try to focus a hostile media on why it is Assange is actually wanted for extradition, Craig Murray comments.
Is Assange a Journalist?
BREAKING: Assange ‘Will Be’ Arrested in ‘Hours to Days,’ WikiLeaks Says
WikiLeaks has quoted a “high-level” Ecuadorian government source as saying that Julian Assange could be imminently expelled from Ecuador’s London embassy and that Quito has an agreement with the UK to arrest him.
WikiLeaks Says Assange Can be Expelled ‘Within Hours’
In a tweet, Wikileaks quoted a high-level Ecuadorian government source as saying that Julian Assange could be imminently kicked out of the London embassy and that Quito has an agreement with the UK to arrest him.