With the Brexit repudiation of the E.U. — in defiance of Establishment scare tactics — British voters stood up for common people who face marginalization in the neoliberal scheme of global economics, explains John Pilger.
Tag: Vladimir Putin
US Game-Playing Means Hot Syrian Summer
As Iran and Russia sense they’ve been “had” by President Obama over the Syrian “cease-fire” — and other U.S. deceptions — the prospects rise for a climactic battle in Syria, writes ex-British diplomat Alastair Crooke from Beirut.
Neocons Scheme for More ‘Regime Change’
A Peace Journey to Russia
Pushing the Doomsday Clock to Midnight
Europe Sleepwalks toward World War III
The Bigger Nuclear Risk: Trump or Clinton?
More Game-Playing on MH-17?
Exclusive: The West keeps piling the blame for the 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on Russian President Putin although there are many holes in the case and the U.S. government still withholds its evidence, writes Robert Parry.
Trump’s Five Questions on US Foreign Policy
Along with his self-congratulatory bombast, Donald Trump has offered a rare critique of Official Washington’s “group think” about foreign policy, including the wisdom of NATO expansion and the value of endless war, notes John V. Walsh.