It’s inexcusable that these direct peace negotiations are not already underway. The recent escalation of this war makes peace talks more necessary, not less.
The 50th anniversary this month of the Watergate break-in led W. Joseph Campbell to examine the persistence of a simplistic version of events that even Watergate-era principals at The Washington Post tried to refute.
The jury foreperson said politics wasn’t a factor. But was any prosecution of a senior Clinton campaign official possible in a jurisdiction where Clinton beat Trump 91-4?
Contrary to widespread triumphant Western narratives, this reporting describes Ukrainian troops surviving on one potato per day and deserting their posts.
Social media platforms are aggressively censoring challenges to the dominant narrative on Ukraine, the ruling Democratic Party, the wars in the Middle East and the corporate state.
We must not underestimate this victory. It is only by rebuilding unions and carrying out strikes that we will halt the downward spiral of the working class.
BBC reports on suspicious destruction of Mariupol theater were co-authored by a Ukrainian PR agent tied to a firm at the forefront of her country’s information warfare efforts, reports Max Blumenthal.