Weeks after being released from Saughton Prison in Edinburgh, former British diplomat Craig Murray joined Roger Waters and comedian Randy Credico.
Tag: Randy Credico
WATCH: Stand-Ups for Assange: New York City
WATCH: Stand-Ups for Assange
Randy Credico Interviews Nils Melzer on Julian Assange
WATCH: US Tour For Assange–NYC With Waters, Hedges, Mate’ & Credico
Consortium News in the Post-Bob Parry Era
WATCH: CN Live! New Episode–‘The Truth is a Joke’
CN Live! Documentary: ‘The Extradition of Julian Assange’
CN LIVE! From London: Season 2, Ep. 5: Assange Extradition Special
John Pilger: The Global War on Assange, Journalism & Dissent
John Pilger talks about the persecution of the WikiLeaks publisher and the rapid crackdown on investigative journalism in a wide-ranging interview with Dennis J. Bernstein and Randy Credico.