Tag: Privatization

Consolidation Threatens US Postal Service

Thousands of the jobs in the nation’s biggest unionized work force are at stake under Louis Dejoy’s modernization plan, which would slow down service for much of the country, writes Alexandra Bradbury. 

The Lying IMF

Alternative sources of financing are beginning to empower poorer nations in the Global South to pursue projects grounded in genuine development theory, writes Vijay Prashad.

How Canadians Are Losing Medicare

Dr. Susan Rosenthal describes the rise of Canada’s public health system during labor’s rebellious postwar period and the corporate profiteering by which it is now being destroyed. 

It Doesn’t Trickle Down

Kate Pickett touts the Club of Rome’s “Earth4All” prescription for a root-and-branch reshaping of the economy, away from neoliberal, extractive capitalism.