Tag: Neoliberalism

Blaming the Poor for Poverty

Unrestrained free markets destroy the middle class, push working people down the economic ladder and concentrate wealth at the top. But promoters of this hyper-capitalism, who dominate the U.S. media debate, simply blame the poor for poverty, as Lawrence Davidson…

A Journey to the End of Empire

At a time when the planet needs people to come together and confront crises from global warming to worsening poverty the trendy ideology is an aggressive neoliberalism that seeks to impose a deregulated “free market” on the world, just the…

Life in an Age of Looting

The ugly scenes of rioting and arson in Great Britain are a preview of the societal breakdown that can be expected from today’s staggeringly inequitable economic/political system, where stock-market sharpies get away with plundering pension funds but the poor get nailed for looting consumer goods,…