In the lead-up to Britain’s historic election on Thursday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been hit with evidence-free Russiagate-style allegations, Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal report.
Tag: Max Blumenthal
US Government Drops Case Against Max Blumenthal
The arrest is part of a wider pattern of political persecution of those who resisted the seizure of the Venezuelan embassy by a U.S.-backed coup administration, reports Ben Norton.
CIA Helped Shape Tom Clancy’s ‘Jack Ryan’ Series into Bigoted Venezuela Regime-Change Fantasy
Researcher Tom Secker exposed the Amazon TV show as straightforward U.S. imperial propaganda, reports Max Blumenthal.
Bolivia Coup Led by Christian Fascist Paramilitary Leader, a Multi-Millionaire – with Foreign Support
Luis Fernando Camacho arose from far-right movements in the Santa Cruz region, where the U.S. has encouraged separatism. He has courted support from Colombia, Brazil and the Venezuela coup regime, report Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton.
Grayzone Editor Max Blumenthal Arrested Months After Reporting on Venezuelan Opposition Violence
Blumenthal has been arrested on false charges after reporting on Venezuelan opposition violence outside the D.C. embassy. He describes the manufactured case as part of a wider campaign of political persecution, reports Ben Norton.
US Has Backed 21 of the 28 ‘Crazy’ Militias Leading Turkey’s Brutal Invasion of Northern Syria
New data from Turkey reveals almost all the mercenary force of “Arab militias” getting slammed by former and current U.S. officials were armed and trained in the past by the CIA and Pentagon, reports Max Blumenthal.
DC’s Atlantic Council Raked in Funding from Hunter Biden’s Corruption-Stained Ukrainian Employer While Courting His VP Father
Max Blumenthal reports on the think tank’s shady arrangement with Burisma, the gas company at the center of “Ukrainegate.”
Militantly Pro-Israel Trump Official is Directing the Economic War on Iran
A Treasury official’s orders have led to FBI interrogations of U.S. citizens who attended a public media conference in Iran, reports Max Blumenthal.
Joe Biden Fueled the Latin American Migration Crisis
Behind the Syrian Network for Human Rights: An Opposition Front Group is a Go-to Monitor for Western Media
Corporate media relies on the Syrian Network for Human Rights for figures on deaths and detentions, never noting the group’s seamless connection to Syria’s opposition, and its public lobbying for U.S. military intervention. Max Blumenthal reports for The Grayzone.