As long as the fact this war was provoked remains unacknowledged by the side that provoked it, the sane path of detente will look like reckless appeasement and nuclear brinkmanship will look like sanity.
The U.S. had already forced Germany to shut down Nord Stream 2 but there are signs that an end to the Ukraine war would have put it back online, writes Joe Lauria.
Is it a weird new tactic in “strategic ambiguity” to have different parts of the administration saying completely different things in totally unambiguous ways? asks Caitlin Johnstone.
As`ad AbuKhalil says current U.S.-NATO strategic calculations are demoting Israel from its once central position and will leave the apartheid state increasingly reliant on new alliances with the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia.
There are no institutions, including the press, an electoral system, the imperial presidency, the courts or the penal system, that can be defined as democratic. Only the fiction of democracy remains.
Governmental bodies in the U.S. aren’t meant to be owned by those who lead them. They aren’t possessions to be disposed of according to the will and inclination of the governors, writes Michael Brenner.
The United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel, responsible for military fiascos, hundreds of thousands of deaths and innumerable war crimes in the Middle East, are now plotting to attack Iran.
On the war in Ukraine, CN‘s editor addresses skewed Western coverage, the history of C.I.A. involvement in the country, CN founder Bob Parry’s pioneering reporting and rising threats to press freedom.
At the same NATO summit, President Biden announced plans to ramp up U.S. military presence in Europe in response to the Ukraine war, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
“We are going to use every appeal avenue,” Stella Assange told a London press conference on Friday after the home secretary signed the extradition order, reports Joe Lauria.