Tag: Iran

Cracking Down on Truth-telling

President Obama entered office vowing to run a transparent government. But instead he has clamped down on leaks, prosecuted whistleblowers and threatened truth-telling journalists with jail if they don’t reveal sources, as Marcy Wheeler recounts.

The Kurds Eye Long-Desired State

Exclusive: The sectarian conflict engulfing Iraq has created an historic opportunity for the Kurds, a people who have long dreamed of their own homeland. A new Kurdish state carved out of Iraq also could shift the region’s power relationships, says…

Why an Iran-Nuke Deal Could Succeed

U.S. hardliners still dream about “regime change” in Iran and thus want more sanctions rather than a deal that would constrain Iran’s nuclear energy program but the Obama administration has found that talks can work if Iran’s independence is respected, say Flynt and Hillary…

Obama and Fast-Moving Global Crises

The three big international crises Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Gaza and Iran/nuclear mark a choice for President Obama, stick with Israel and the old alignments or shift toward more cooperation with Russia and Iran. But the pieces on this global chessboard are fast moving, says…

Prospects for Iran Nuke Deal Brighten

Though neocons and congressional war hawks are still hoping to sink an Iranian nuclear deal, the Obama administration and Iranian negotiators appear to have cleared some key hurdles toward a workable plan for keeping Iran’s program peaceful, writes Gareth Porter…

Hyping the Iranian ‘Breakout’ Threat

A danger from propaganda is that its disseminators can come to believe their own exaggerations and thus damage their own interests, a situation that now exists with U.S. hardliners seeking to sabotage an Iran nuclear deal that would make everyone safer, as ex-CIA analyst Paul…

Iran Sketches Possible Nuke Compromise

As the July 20 deadline for an Iranian nuclear deal nears, Iranian leaders have laid out a possible compromise, accepting stricter limits on centrifuges for power plants now with a chance for expansion later as the country’s energy needs grow, as Gareth…

NYT Protects the Fogh Machine

Exclusive: In crises ranging from the Iraq War to civil conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, the New York Times has steadily transformed itself into a propaganda organ, promoting false U.S. government narratives rather than providing objective information to its readers,…

Iraqi Chaos May Give Kurds a State

Millions of Kurds live in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria but the British-French imperial division of the region left them without a state of their own, adding to the region’s tensions. But some Kurds see the current chaos in Iraq…

Reaping the Seeds of Iraqi Hatred

The uproar in the mainstream U.S. news media over the barbarity of Islamic militants in Iraq downplays or ignores the brutality of the U.S. invasion and occupation that unleashed the ethnic and sectarian hatreds in the first place, as Danny…