When it comes to national security reporting corporate journalists have time and again shown they are practicing something other than journalism, writes Joe Lauria.
Tag: Hunter Biden
Ray McGovern Tells Aaron Maté Blaming Moscow for Hunter Biden’s Laptop is Russiagate Disinformation
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Damage Russiagate Has Done
‘The Emails Are Russian’ Will Be the Narrative, Regardless of Facts or Evidence
Media reaction to The New York Post’s publication of Hunter Biden’s emails shows the further deterioration of objectivity since Trump’s election in 2016, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
There’s Enough Blame to Go Around in Belarus
Bolton’s Memoir Undercuts Hype as Impeachment’s Would-Be Star Witness
Aaron Maté reports on John Bolton’s controversial new book and finds that Bolton would have had little evidence to present had he testified at Trump’s impeachment hearing.
Part Four of ‘UkraineGate – Inconvenient Facts’
Part Four of a new documentary by Olivier Berruyer, editor of the website les-crises.fr, released in conjunction with Consortium News, continues the probe into the complicated scandal and Joe Biden’s part in it.
New Documentary Sheds Light on Ukrainegate
A new documentary by Olivier Berruyer, editor of the website les-crises.fr, released in conjunction with Consortium News, sorts out the complicated scandal and the role Joe Biden played in it.
PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Impeachment Pantomime
The political theatrics that begin Wednesday raise several questions. For starters, will Joe Biden be investigated for mounting evidence of corruption? And why is the corporate media turning the CIA “whistleblower” into a phantom in plain sight?
DC’s Atlantic Council Raked in Funding from Hunter Biden’s Corruption-Stained Ukrainian Employer While Courting His VP Father
Max Blumenthal reports on the think tank’s shady arrangement with Burisma, the gas company at the center of “Ukrainegate.”