Tag: General Dynamics

Profiteers of Armageddon

Private contractors run the nuclear warhead complex and build nuclear delivery vehicles. To keep the gravy train running, those contractors spend millions lobbying decision-makers, writes William D. Hartung.

War Profiteers Oversee Pentagon Spending

The foxes are guarding the hen house with billions under review by the Commission on the National Defense Strategy, writes Eli Clifton. And the potential conflicts of interest start at the top.

Global Arms Sales Grow for 7th Consecutive Year

In SIPRI’s latest tracking, the U.S. remains dominant, China is in distant second, Russia has semiconductor and sanctions problems, Israeli sales are boosted by the Washington-mediated Abraham Accords and a Taiwanese company enters the top 100 for the first time.

A People’s Guide to the War Industry

Profit alone drives the war industry, leaving behind piles of corpses, writes Christian Sorensen. First in a series of five articles about the military industrial congressional complex. 

A Foot Soldier Throws Down His Gun

Brandon Toy, an Iraq War veteran and a mid-level project manager at General Dynamics, concluded that what he had done and was doing went against the best principles of the United States and so resigned with a declaration that if…