Exclusive: Pressured by neocons and the mainstream U.S. media, the Obama administration is charting a dangerous course by seeking a military solution to Ukraine’s political crisis and possibly provoking Moscow to intervene to protect ethnic Russians, ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern warns.
A Band-Aid Approach to Fixing the V.A.
Decision Time Approaching on Iran Deal
How DC Insiders Help Wall Street
Does Cell-Phone Case Imperil NSA Spying?
Though the Republican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court often splits 5-4 on partisan and ideological issues, a consensus is emerging against the government’s electronic intrusion on personal privacy, which could portend trouble for NSA spying, says Marjorie Cohn.
Obama’s Half-Billion to Syria’s ‘Moderates’
President Obama’s plan to spend another half-billion dollars on Syria’s “moderate” rebels will add more fuel to the destructive violence just as the killing was finally dying down. It’s also hard to see how this investment will promote serious negotiations, notes ex-CIA analyst Paul R.…
Understanding Islamic Fundamentalism
Iraqi Chaos May Give Kurds a State
Who Violated Ukraine’s Sovereignty?
Selective Sympathy in Israel/Palestine
The mainstream U.S. media often reveals its bias by selecting some personal tragedies for saturation coverage while downplaying or ignoring similar horrors to “others,” such as the massive attention given to the search for three kidnapped Israeli teens, as Lawrence Davidson observes.
Learning Little from World War I
Looking back on the century of war and slaughter that has followed the start of World War I, one is reminded of Pete Seeger’s classic lyrics: “When will they ever learn?” Today, major world leaders behave with much the same…
The Wisdom of Lawrence of Arabia
A century ago, during World War I, a British intelligence officer known as “Lawrence of Arabia” deeply understood the Mideast and saw hope for rational politics, but Western imperial ambitions intervened to ensure regional instability, as Bill Moyers and Michael…
Europe’s Generational Change
Obama’s New ‘Bias for Action’
NYT Revamps Its False Ukraine Narrative
Reaping the Seeds of Iraqi Hatred
The uproar in the mainstream U.S. news media over the barbarity of Islamic militants in Iraq downplays or ignores the brutality of the U.S. invasion and occupation that unleashed the ethnic and sectarian hatreds in the first place, as Danny…
Continuing Parry’s 3-Book Offer
From Editor Robert Parry: Summer reading often called “beach reading” is usually light fare, from romance novels to some classy fiction. But we’re offering something a little different, a rewrite of recent American history.
In Case You Missed…
Some of our special stories in May focused on the Ukraine crisis, the continuing fallout from neocon war strategies, and some inconvenient truths about Jesus.
Iraq’s Depleted Uranium Threat
America’s Blunderbuss Wars
U.S. policymakers and pundits proclaim that America’s role in the world is all for the good. But more objective observers see a pattern of clumsy and brutal interference that can touch off cascades of chaos and death, as ex-State Department official William…